

We are here to serve our community, to build knowledge about sustainable human bonding, and to grow awareness of the diversity of human love in the world. We do this through curating a conversation with people about what is true for themselves, their partnerships, and their communities.

Serve Community

We are here to serve our community of lovers, learners, and leaders in sustainable human bonding. This means developing relationships based on trust, openness, and touch. This means listening first to the needs of these communities, and then confirming that our communications and actions are received near their intentions. This means celebrating the diversity of needs, perspectives, and desires of our community, including ourselves. 

  • Lovers: Our fellow human bonders. Anyone interested in human bonding with whom we interact, e.g. test takers, help-seekers, contributors, promoters, academics, publishers, community leaders, and political voices. 

  • Learners: Our partners in building knowledge, whether personally, organizationally, or academically. These are people and groups who are demonstrably committed to growing knowledge with integrity and clarity through investments of time, labor, money, or some other form of equitable exchange. 

  • Leaders: Our voices that spread knowledge towards collective wisdom. Anyone with a voice who feels inspired to spread our knowledge with fidelity, compassion, and context, e.g. Individuals in groups, community leaders, social media personalities, organizational and institutional champions, religious and spiritual guides, and political voices.

  • You: We believe you are essential to this conversation. Do you feel yourself in one of these communities? Or, do you feel you belong elsewhere, or not at all? In any case, we welcome and value your voice. Be in touch with us and join the conversation. 

Build Knowledge

We seek to build knowledge about the world’s diversity of human bonding, and how any human bond can sustainably form in trust, love, and growth. This means collecting data broadly and securely. This means analyzing data equitably. This means presenting results in a way that we intend to create the most truth. This means building on our results in a way that takes responsibility for how our data and conclusions may be improved, as much as those conclusions themselves.

Grow Awareness

We seek to grow awareness and knowledge of sustainable human bonding for our communities and for the world. This means sharing our knowledge with our community and empowering our communities to share and effect their knowledge in the world. This means building a revenue-positive entity that can create, maintain, and grow the infrastructure and organization necessary for these goals.


The Bonding Project seeks to answer a common question: how do we bond?

For centuries, the mainstream answer has been simple: We bond in sexually monogamous pairs. Yet we are in a time of incredible change and re-thinking: Relationships, community, race, political norms, civic life, even what it means to be human are all shifting from old norms to new possibilities. 

Within human bonding, in recent years, non-conventional relationships have become more mainstream. Long-time monogamous partners are discussing “opening” their relationship. Some people are choosing to be “single” forever. Others are creating multi-partner family units. So many possible configurations can make navigating intimate relationships both exciting and confusing.

The Bonding Project’s goal is to help people identify their bonding preferences and connect with partners with compatible bonding styles. Too often mainstream societies take a one-size-fits-all approach to relationships, and dating apps generally focus on one’s quantity of digital connections over quality of compatibility between real humans. With decades of combined personal and professional experience to a variety of romantic and sexual bonding styles, our team sees an opportunity to grow our collective capacity for finding and maintaining diverse, healthy relationships.

It is our hope that, through the resources and community we share, we can support all of you on your own journeys. Thanks for joining us!


  • Accuracy and truth: We will share your scores with you, as well as the method we used to compute them.

  • Inclusivity: We want to represent and be accessible for a variety of bonding styles, for everyone regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or age.

  • Empathy: We will meet you where you are now and help you to identify where you want to go, without judgment.

  • Safety: We support the physical and psychological safety of those in our communities.

  • Relationship health and prosperity: We strive to support happier, healthier relationships with a focus on consent and communication.